Driving around Western Australia is a great way to see the sights of our wonderful state, however there are a few things that visitors must be aware of before setting off on your journey.
Driving tired kills, make sure that you stop and take regular breaks. Grab a coffee and stretch your legs.
If you are setting off on a long journey it is advisable to tell someone where you are going and what time you are expected to arrive.
If you are travelling during the summer months make sure that you take enough water as some smaller towns may not be open.
Many of our native animals move around at dawn and dusk, so if you are driving at these times, please be aware that there may be kangaroos or other animals on the road. If you do see an animal on the road, please slow down. For more information on animals on the road and the risks and dangers and many of these tips, please visit: https://www.mainroads.wa.gov.au.
More information can also be found at the Western Australian website:
During the hot summer months, bush fires are a risk in Australia. You can keep up to date with alerts and warnings by visiting the Fire and Emergency Services of Western Australia website: