Armadale has a rich cultural history. You can discover more at the History House Museum located in Minnawarra Park. See meticulously restored vintage machinery at the Bert Tyler Vintage Machinery Museum at the Perth Hills Armadale Visitor Centre or visit the nearby Armadale Outpost Telegraph Centre which has been faithfully recreated to honour the first Post Office in Armadale.
Minnawarra Park
Picturesque Minnawarra Park is host to a variety of free family events throughout the year, including the Australia Day Fireworks Spectacular, the annual Highland Gathering and Carols in the Park in the lead up to Christmas each year. The park boasts manicured lawns, picnic areas and a pleasant view of the footbridge over Neerigen Brook.
Minnawarra Chapel
The Minnawarra Chapel is located in the Minnawarra Historic Precinct. Originally built in 1903 as a Congregational church the Chapel was relocated and rebuilt, brick by brick, at its current location in 1987. The Chapel has lovely overviews of Minnawarra Lake and is now a popular wedding venue.